Sunday, July 17, 2011

Negative thoughts

The impact of negative thoughts can harm the soul.  Just recently, I tried to help someone who was down and out.  This woman didn't want to live and apparently didn't care about the people who loved her.  Is this person being selfish?  Didn't care about her children?   She didn't think of her actions effecting other people in a negative way. 

We should continue to laugh, love and be positive. Do positive things that will make you happy.  It doesn't matter what makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything else in the process. 

I'm having a party on August 12th to educate all on Lupus.  I'm calling it a party since I will have cake and everybody loves cake.

No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.
- Barbara de Angelis

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Learning to laugh.

Things for me are getting better.  The damage from Lupus has stopped and hopefully will never return. 

I've learned the power of laughter.  It has the best healing and probably the cheapest cure.

Colin Stokol, M.D., a neurologist and psychiatrist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, is a big fan of humor. “First, there is a feeling of belonging to a community when a patient finds humor with others,” he notes. “Second, there is a physical benefit to the action of deep laughter. When you laugh, you exercise your respiratory muscles, spine, upper body and face. And finally, there is a belief among medical professionals that laughter prompts the body to release endorphins, which are hormones that bring about a sense of well-being.”
Different people find different ways of getting those endorphins going, from playing practical jokes to watching an old “Three Stooges” episode. Wes Daniel of Midwest City, Okla., was diagnosed with lupus in 1991. When he was in the hospital receiving chemotherapy, a good chuckle was his front-line defense against the disease.  Lupus Foundation

My way of laughter is the practical jokester.  I love kidding around, and making bad puns. Life is so much easier when you laugh and laugh at yourself.   The Three Stoogies is okay, but give me a Mel Brooks movie, and I can watch it over and over again.  I will laugh my head off even though I know what is coming next.

My benefit is August 12th.  I want all my friends to have a good some cake...learn about Lupus and maybe make a donation.