Friday, November 25, 2011

Goodbye to my best buddy.

Deb Edelson

Today I had to do something that wasn't fun.  I couldn't find anything positive in putting my 4 legged friend to sleep today.  I know it was for his benefit, but the selfish side of me wanted him to stay for a bit longer.  Dogs don't complain or talk back.  You could leave the house for less than 5 minutes and get a reaction of being gone for years.  I have told my dogs my deepest secrets and they will never tell a soul.  They keep my feet warm without complaining.  When I was sick, they stayed by my side and didn't judge me.  The only thing they ever asked for was food, water, love, and attention. 

I hope Murphy is playing and happy.  I will miss you.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to wish my family and friends a blessed Thanksgiving.  Enjoy the time with your family and friends.  It is a blessing to be surrounded by love.  

I am thankful for my husband and my friends.  I'm grateful to be wake up every morning and able to see the sun, rain and the snow.   

  The holiday season is not a competition of what material items you get under the tree.  It's about love, respect, and giving to others.  If you have the time, and the means, please give back.  Spend an hour or two in a soup kitchen, help a neighbor, or make a donation of any amount to a worthy charity. 

I've included in this blog some of the charities that are close to my heart: 

Monday, November 21, 2011


Happy Birthday Dad!  May you have Cuban cigars, and the New York Times with you at all times.  I hope you are happy.  You loved parades, especially the Philadelphia Mummers. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011


The one thing I hate the most is people whispering, especially at work.  If you have a problem, please go directly to that person.  I have one co-worker who hasn't talked to me in weeks. 
I am not upset that she is not talking to me, however, going to someone else to talk about me is unacceptable.  If you need to fight with me, I will take it outside if she needs to get aggressive.  I don't appreciate when you need to find someone to side with you to make you feel right about yourself.  We are not in kindergarden.  You need to have respect for yourself and others.  It is considered social aggression.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Where are my notes?

This morning I had a chuckle.  I reached into my coat pocket and there were sticky notes crumbled up.  I guess I don't need them anymore. I find notes everywhere.  I have notes to remind me of my notes.  I have 6 apps to remind me to look at my sticky notes.  I have a ring tone on my phone to remind me to take my pills in the afternoon. 

Picture by HSE Photography

What do I need?  I need my brain to stop and smell the sea air for awhile.  It's happening in 10 days or less.  I'm going on a mental vacation for a week.  I want to relax, not worry about work, family, pets, or friends.  I've got my bathing suit, my suntan lotion, and flip flops...what else do I need?  My hubby.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wonder Woman

I would love to be Wonder Woman. She is the warrior princess of the Amazons.She uses her Lasso of Truth, which forces those bound by it to tell the truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as a projectile, and, in some stories, an invisible airplane.   

I am not a cartoon character, nor a super hero.  I can't always be strong.  I sometimes have to rely on other people to be strong for me.  I have a tendency to be stubborn and on occasion, I need to be smacked in the head.  Maybe I need one of those indestructible bracelets to hit me between the eyes.  I want to be able to do everything and not be told no. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I work part time at a health club, very part time.  I've worked on Friday nights for about 4 years now.  I've seen it all, and at times, I want to poke my eyes out. 

Men using a hair dryer to dry parts of their body that makes me want to go blind.   A woman who dances naked through the club after hours who then accuses management of locking her in the club.  Advertisements on Craigs list which makes me sick.  Apparently, the health club is a dating scene in the men's locker rooms. 

Then there is Mr. Know-It-All.  I call him Mr. Lamborghini.  I'm not sure what he does for a living but he owns a yellow Lamborghini.  I've had several fights with this guy.  He never wants to leave the club on time.  If he has so much money, why my club?  Can't he go somewhere else and drive them crazy? 

Friday, November 4, 2011

My conversation with a customer

I am the sales administrator for a gas analyzer company.  On a daily basis, I talk to people around the country and the world.  I always find people interesting, fascinating and I always learn something new about a different culture.  Yesterday, I had one phone call was the best and the most disturbing to say the least.  Remember, this is a business call and I often have to make small talk.

The guy on the phone, called me a Yankee.  He told me that anyone above Austin TX is a Yankee.  Then he asked me if I ever visited Austin.  I said, "No, but I would love to someday."   His reply was, " Don't ever go to Austin, they have gay streets and homosexual people there."  I didn't know what to say, and I just changed the conversation to the weather. 

Is it just me that brings out the crazy people? How do I react to something I find offensive?  Do I ignore it?  It was a sales call, so yes, I ignored the statement but it ended up here!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Virtual reality

Virtual reality, is that an oxymoron? How is it real life? 

It seems like an addiction for me.  I've been trying to ween myself off of the world of computers.  I've removed "friends" from Facebook to help me live my life.  Read a book, walk or spend some time with Hal and the pups.  I need to get back to reality.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The walk is done.  Hal did a great job walking and taking pictures.    It was hard work, but I'm pleased that Team Edelson raised $1200.00. 

I'm glad the fund raising is over.  I can now just go back to being me.  Yes, I have Lupus but I don't have to talk about it.  I don't have to tell my story over and over again to get people to understand this disease.  I can have the problems of Lupus and not have to explain myself.  I'm just sore from working out, just tired from partying all night, or I just have really bad vision.  I know some people would disagree with this way of thinking.  Is that so terrible?