Friday, April 22, 2011

Do I really have Lupus?

My life was normal...mundane, in fact.  I went to work, came home, fed and walked the dogs  I then went to the healthclub for a 1 to 2 hour workout and 2 times a week, I worked out with my Personal Trainer.  Then came home and went bed...pretty simple.  I only blogged about weight loss...simple.

2 months ago, I was diagnosed with Iritis in both eyes.  My eye doctor sent me for blood work which confirmed Lupus.  From there, since I have HMO, I went to my doctor who did more blood work, and also confirmed Lupus.  She sent me to a Rhematologist who told me I have Lupus but only 2 markers which means I don't have full Lupus. I have some joint pain in my knees and hips and I get tired really quickly.  I have Lupus and something else...Huh?

1 month ago, I had several strokes in my left eye which caused temporary blindness.  The vision came back but I was told to take a daily aspirin and get off the birth control pill since it can cause clots.

3 weeks ago, I completely lost my vision in my left eye.  I was sent to a retina specialist who ordered a MRI of my brain asap.  They found white spots on my brain but they are not sure what they could be...

My Optic nerve and vessels in my eye were inflammed.  I also went to see my Rhem that same day who precribed 3 days of IVs of Son-mentrol(I think thats the name...its prednisone)  1000 mgs in 3 days...OMG.  The side effects were horrible.  Loss of appetite, emotions out of control, and did I mention the shakes...the shakes had gotten so bad that I couldn't stand up at times.  I've lost alot of muscle that I worked on for 2 years that now I have to start from scratch.  My personal trainer has now turned into a physical therapist.  Luckily, he is trained in both.

In the meantime, I was commuting 40 minutes to Will's Eye hospital for 2 days and many tests, to find out they don't know why it happened or if this is a symptom of Lupus.  My Rhem doesn't even know if it Lupus or some other autoammuine disease.  The specialist at Will's eye removed me from the baby aspirin since she didn't like what it was doing to my blood flow in my eye.  They only know that if they don't do something fast, it may travel to my other eye or worse.

15 pills a day, I'm finally getting my vision back.  I'm worried though, what happens when I stop taking all these meds?  Will this attack my eyes again or another part of my body..

Has anyone heard of Lupus attacking the eyes?

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