Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ignorance of Lupus. It happened again!

6/5/11 Added:  I was eating a slice of carrot cake (not on my special diet but tasted sooo good) and asked one of my co-workers if he would like a piece.  He said yes, and I told him jokingly he would get Lupus and then he changed his mind.  He was afraid he would get my disease.  For some reason, that actually hurt my feelings. Is this stupid to worry about what other people think of you?  

Since this is Lupus Awareness Month, I thought I would post several things people have said to me or about me...

Lupus is cancer, right?
She has a disease because she works out to much.  It caused her to go partially blind...

Lupus is contagious.

In a meeting, I have to sit in a certain spot to see all the co-workers.  This"person" said, wait, I'll make the print on the screen larger so you can see...THANKS for reminding me about my eyesight...and announcing it to the rest of the company.  Thank you for reminding me I have Lupus on a daily basis.

I have a new wonderful statement that I almost threw a left hook:  "You look great for someone who is sick"

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