Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Snore away Lupus...

    "The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more."
      -Wilson Mizener
I had a sleep study done about a year ago, and they found out I wake up about 20 times a day. I also snored something fierce which was the reason I was waking up. I'm grateful I don't have sleep apnea.  Its not very romantic to wear a face mask to bed every night.  It was recommended from my ENT that I should get either the Pillar procedure or the injection snoreplasty.  I decided to do the series of shots in the back of the soft palate of the mouth.  The only reason I went with this type is it was cheaper.  It was only $750.00 and of course, this was an elective so its was not covered under insurance.

I often wonder if this was the start of something evil.  I had put a harmful chemical into my body, 6 horrible injections all together.  My ENT claimed this was a safe procedure.  Is is safe for all people?  These were very painful shots, don't believe what you read on these websites that its just a sore throat.  This caused me to have my first experience with Prednisone.  My uvula (the little punching bag in the back of your throat) had become so swollen, I started to choke when I would lie down. Nice, right?

I know logically and there is no scientific back up for my theory but I have to wonder if this "sparked" the Lupus in my system.   Am I crazy to think this idea? I've had pains in my joints for over year now, especially my knees, and hips.  The prednisone seemed to clear up the inflammation in my system and now that I'm on a low dosage of steriods, the knee pain is starting again. 

Oh...and by the way...I still snore but that seems like such a small problem these days.

Pillar Procedure


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